Daily Archives: 5th May 2016
So how do you sell a design system to the client? How do you establish a shared commitment within the company to put a pattern library on the roadmap? As designers and developers, we often know and see the benefits of an overarching system that radiates consistency throughout the different experiences of a company. But…
It’s now well established that people spend more time with their smartphones than they do with their PCs. The obvious implication of that is a “mobile-first” or cross-platform marketing strategy. That extends to branded or sponsored content as well, according “The State of Branded Content,” a new report from Polar. The document exposes aggregate customer…
Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: Where does your business stand in the eCommerce market?May 5, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Even the most forward-thinking businesses struggle with marketing in today’s fast-paced digital world. The online marketing…
Without a sufficient amount of link authority, Google isn’t going to give your site the time of day. If it seems that despite all your content marketing efforts, the needle just isn’t moving in the Google SERPs, then you’re probably making one of these five avoidable SEO mistakes: 1. Hustling for likes instead of links…
Welcome to the conclusion of my eight-part series on brand bidding. If you’ve stuck with me this far, you’ve seen why brand bidding deserves the 10,000+ words I’ve written on the topic. As an ad monitoring platform with global reach, The Search Monitor (disclosure: my employer) is privy to a wealth of performance data on…
Even the most forward-thinking businesses struggle with marketing in today’s fast-paced, digital world. The online marketing landscape is notoriously unstable, complex, and dynamic. In order to grab hold of your marketing, you need to know how you stack up. This benchmark report from Yotpo includes data from stores of all sizes among thousands of verticals…
In SEO, our daily job is to spot opportunities and capture them. This is often achieved through technical improvements, page optimization and content development and distribution. The leading edge of our success is often judged by rankings achieved — specifically, rankings achieved for non-brand phrases. In today’s post, I’d like to highlight a valuable element…
It might be every SEO’s least favorite job: the backlink audit. This is not because the work itself is horrible (though it can be tedious on sites with large link footprints), but because it’s almost always performed when a domain is in trouble. Whether you’re reading this article because you’re an SEO looking at new…
In March of 2015, the number of mobile-only users overtook desktop users, according to ComScore. This is a trend that will only become more pronounced over the next 10 years as both business and personal users shift away from being tethered to desks and instead choose to access the internet anytime from anywhere. Tech giant…
There’s an old maxim in management science: “If you can measure it, you can improve it.” This applies to content marketing, as well. Without measuring the performance of your content, you can’t really tell whether your marketing efforts are actually successful or not. To fully measure the success of your content marketing, you need metrics…