OpenX: Mobile topped 50 percent of global volume in Q1; Higher CPMs on apps than mobile web

The OpenX, which operates a programmatic platform that includes an ad exchange and supply-side platform, reported Tuesday that over 50 percent of global ad volume on the exchange came from mobile in Q1 2016, up 180 percent from a year ago.
OpenX said, on average, CPMs on mobile apps were 50 percent higher than CPMs from mobile websites.
In Q1, OpenX launched Bidder for Apps to extend its header bidding solution to mobile apps and Real-Time Guaranteed (RTG), which gives publishers a way to secure commitments from advertisers and execute those ad buys, complete with real-time audience targeting for advertisers, via programmatic processes. RTG supports mobile apps as well.
The company says header bidding increased 300 percent year-over-year in Q1.
These stats were part of a quarterly update by the independent firm, which did not release revenue numbers for the quarter. For 2015, OpenX reported annual net revenues of $140 million, an increase of 40 percent year-over-year.
From our sponsors: OpenX: Mobile topped 50 percent of global volume in Q1; Higher CPMs on apps than mobile web