About.com takes new direction with launch of standalone health website Verywell.com

About.com has launched its first standalone media property with the announcement of Verywell.com, a website focusing on health and wellness topics.
Defining the move as a next step in its evolution as a brand, About.com reports its new website already contains more than 50,000 pieces of content.
“Verywell takes a human approach to health information, delivering accessible content by top specialists in their fields, and offers a welcome alternative to traditional, hyper-clinical health sites,” says About.com in a release announcing its new media property.
According to the announcement, Verywell is already one of the largest ad-supported health-related online properties, and it includes a content team made up of 120 health experts, including doctors, dietitians and health professionals.
In addition to its content team, About.com has hired Dr. David Katz as its first senior medical advisor. Katz is the founding director of Yale University’s Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center and current president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
About.com’s chief revenue officer Brian Colbert says the new site “offers the highest value to advertisers” because of its scale, data tools and custom content. “Unlike any health site on the web,” said Colbert.
From our sponsors: About.com takes new direction with launch of standalone health website Verywell.com