5 ways SEO and PR should be working together

With a newly integrated and and constantly evolving digital landscape, marketing and communication channels are working together more closely than ever before. Granted, you’ll see variations in how well this is actually executed based on your business structure and the channels themselves, but the fact is: Channels can’t exist in silos.
An easy collaboration exists between PR and SEO, now that good content and outreach is an integral part of SEO success — and those two things are something PR knows all too well. So how can these two different teams help each other reach the same business goal?
Let’s start with the most obvious: education.
It’s easy to get wrapped up in your specialty bubble, so when you start working with folks on other teams with other specialties, it’s just as easy to forget that they don’t know what you know.
PR professionals aren’t taught about the impact that online earned media can have on SEO and keyword rankings, so before you dive in with your handful of requests, educate them on the hows and the whys. Do this in shorter sessions over a few weeks, rather than one long session, and most importantly, educate them on what they’ll be able to get out of the relationship.
This shouldn’t just be one-sided, though. Just like PR isn’t taught SEO, SEO isn’t taught PR, so reach out to your counterparts to better understand their jobs and their roles. For example, media outreach is just one portion of the job of an SEO and content marketer, but it’s an expertise your PR counterparts know and understand well.
[Read the full article on Search Engine Land.]
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